Personal and Professional Development 1
Today we were paired up with our 3rd year. Mines called Lara Poole. I actually couldn't have asked for a better fashion student to assist SO HAPPY!!!
Lara started the session off my showing me several of her sketch books (which i love and she's going to let me photocopy yay :) ) she explained her final module and that her collection was working with interchangeable panels. Which meant that they could be alternated in a number of ways to achieve a completely new different shape. As she wasn't able to show me a full on garment she sat down with me to watch a stop motion video in which she had made which explained each process and outcome. I love this idea and feel that each design works really well.
Above I have included a video of a probes, skin dress. Created by Hussein Chalayan. A stop motion video in which i find truly inspirational in terms of innovation. The outlining shape resembles one similar to a dress designed by Lara
I asked her what inspired her and how she had managed to generate ideas for such a complex collection. She said that she had started by looking at computer games and the origami fortune teller. This idea has been carried through to her packaging and step by step label instructions of how each garment maybe reassembled into another. It was said that the buyer would also be provided with an individual origami fortune teller themselves...Playing the game before they got ready in the morning would determine which outfit they would wear for the day.....I actually love this idea!!!!!!
working with origami in my millinery elective I was able to relate to what she was doing and how each form was constructed.
Below is a copy of the roles in which I shall assist Lara with through out my time as her design assistant
For the rest of the day I matched and sewed buttons on to her interchangeable panels. Although Lara felt a little reluctant to assigning me this task at the beginning of the day (as she felt I would find it boring and tedious) I didn't actually mind doing it. I had sewn buttons on before but I had never been shown how to line them up with a serrate panel. Although the task was easy I still learnt something new :)
I'm really looking forward to working as an assistant for her again next week..Stamps have to be made on the lazor cutter and she said I could go down with her and see how they are made. This will be useful as I wanted to attend the lazor cutting workshop but it was to full.
Lara finally got her fabric through to make her trousers..Collaborating with her origami panel idea she has decided to incorporate buttons down the two sides. This meant that today I made about a million and one buttons for her. But I didn't mind this task as I had never used the button making machine before so it is another skill in which I have managed to acquire. I thought that there would be more involved in the process but it was easy and produced some really cute, individual fastenings.
As the buttons are constructed but trapping the material, working with the idea of encasing I thought this idea would fit in well with the interdiciplinery module. So in my lunch break I took a sample of my own organza and made a couple of my own buttons. With organza being a sheer material they needed several layers but I am happy with the overall appearance and tomorrow shall experiment with encasing the letters to spell blossom within them. Although I am probably not going to use this particular type of fastening in my final garment I believe it will work well during my experimentational design process.
Labels for the collection still need to be made and as each garment deals with a large number of buttons we both thought it would be a good idea if the label invoked this idea. Because the typography used in the brand name has not already been programmed into the embroidery machine it was my task to create the template. This process involved a specialised computer programme that lets you determine the size of the text along with the direction the stitch is to lay. It was a time consuming but it was one task I was definitely happy to follow through. It has provided me with another skill and technique in which I shall contemplate using in future collections of my own.
The final collection is nearly there now. All that has to be done is to hand finish any seams in which are to small for the industrial machines, pressing, unpicking any tacking stitches and the cutting of any loose threads.
Today was my last day as a third year design assistant. I wish that I had been able to work with Lara for than just once a week. She is an inspiration and I can honestly say I admire all of the work in which she has done. I believe if I had had the opportunity to work with her earlier on I could have learnt so much more. She could have taught me more about the inspiration for collections, promotion and styling. I would have been able to see how a look book is put together instead of just seeing the final result along with how a stop motion video is assembled.
Overall I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have left with several new techniques and processes (in which could be used in future modules)
So what have I learnt through out my time working as a third year design assistant?
Over the last couple of weeks I have learnt
. How to line up and attach buttons
. How to create buttons, from start to finish using the button press
. How to manipulate text for the embroidery machine - using a specialised computer programme to determine the size and type of stitch used
. I have gained a basic understanding of how a stop motion video works
. I have obtained a list of several good fabric shops in London which I might take into consideration for my final year